This page is a collection of Lore in the game, if you are looking for Books, visit this page. Subscribe. . Description The Hive is a faction that operates in their territory Greathive Aratel, which is located in the upper north of Aratel Island. The lore of Deepwoken is vast and scattered across the sea. Having just released after years of development, Deepwoken is a Roblox game that's still shrouded in mystery. This wiki hosts 906 articles about Deepwoken. Join. • 02. You obtain one Ace every time you receive a hand of cards that are a Whisper from the Deep (or two every other Whisper with the Scrapper Boon) and by completing the Elykris quest. While some serve functions such as being merchants or giving quests, some just exist to make the world. . July 5, 2023: We added all the new Deepwoken map locations to reflect recent expansions. Found in any cave. e "OrbitaI lce" to find the description, requirements, and effect for OrbitaI lce) Overview Aces are tools you can use when selecting Talents. Feel free to browse through this wiki if you want to find information on the game! A grayish-blue or sandstone ore used in crafting Flint and certain armors. A Deepwoken map isn't something you'll come across easily. They are randomly selected when first created, and can be rerolled for 150 . Group:. I need to know which talent do you think is needed on all builds (If you don't got it you might as well wipe) 161. ago This is acre. Burns Races are different categorizations of the humans that live in the world of Deepwoken, each race having unique physical traits and innate abilities that are taken from various animals (with some exceptions). 46. Pieces of lore can be found through dialogues, books, descriptions, landscapes and places, such as the Towerstruck Lands, The City of the. . If you talk to her, she flings you away off the mountain, and the only way to get out from where she flings you is to climb the mountain, swim away or go through the resonance door. FIND A SPECIFIC TALENT: Input the talent name to find the specific talent and its requirements. (i. Legit the best oath in Deepwoken right now, W ahhh verse 2 update. Found on a mountain in Starswept, behind. Feel free to browse through this wiki if you want to find information on the game! Please note that some information may be. . this is the deepwoken depths moment ever Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:52 Layer 1 1:42 Layer 2 2:49 Layer 3 4:20 Layers 4-5 4:34 Layers 6-7 6:06 Layers 8-9 7:00 Outro Songs (In order): 1. • 6 days ago. And that's by design. • 02. Timestamps:0:00 - Intro0:48 - What is DW2:08 - Races3:13 - Melee Combat4:29 - Weapons5:44 - Magic Combat/Creation 8:52 - GUIS10:12 -. Rocks can be thrown at people. Currently, there are Burns and Freezes. Timestamps:0:00 - Intro0:48 - What is DW2:08 - Races3:13 - Melee Combat4:29 - Weapons5:44 - Magic Combat/Creation 8:52 - GUIS10:12 - Crafting/Blacksmith11:10. r/deepwoken. Description Adrets are a common race that have blue skin with orange eyes and face markings. Sometimes, having a higher Charisma or Intelligence stat will unlock special interactions with them. The complete Arcwarder oath guide in Verse 2 Deepwoken, too bad you gotta go to Layer 2 first. Group: are different categorizations of the humans that live in the world of Deepwoken, each race having unique physical traits and innate abilities that are taken from various animals. Join. Found in any cave. this is the deepwoken depths moment ever Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:52 Layer 1 1:42 Layer 2 2:49 Layer 3 4:20 Layers 4-5 4:34 Layers 6-7 6:06 Layers 8-9 7:00 Outro Songs (In order): 1. Which can only be accessed through washing your face in the Lightkeeper Temple before using the shrine teleporter. Unsellable Trivia While every ore has its own colour, they become black when held. . Pieces of lore can be found through dialogues, books, descriptions, landscapes and places, such as the Towerstruck Lands, The City of the. Description NPCs are the various inhabitants of the Deepwoken world. While some serve functions such as being merchants or giving quests, some just exist to make the world feel more alive, as well as giving special titbits of information. This page is a collection of Lore in the game, if you are looking for Books, visit this page. Adrets have a willpower and charisma bonus upon selection, as well as an. Below is an elaboration on how to use [CTRL + F] or [F3] for this page. Additionally, you can also gain more Aces through Echoes. This wiki hosts 906 articles about Deepwoken. Play. This however puts you in combat tag. Unsellable Trivia While every ore has its own colour, they become black when held as an item, with the only exception being rocks, astruline, and umbrite. Home. This is acre. Welcome to the Deepwoken Wiki! 5 Things To Do As A Beginner Editor. r/deepwoken. Found on a mountain in Starswept, behind a resonance door. The lore of Deepwoken is vast and scattered across the sea. Timestamps:0:00 - Intro0:48 - What is DW2:08 - Races3:13 - Melee Combat4:29 - Weapons5:44 - Magic Combat/Creation 8:52 - GUIS10:12 - Crafting/Blacksmith11:10. 79. Deepwoken talents are VERY IMPORTANT in making builds or just utility. Acre - Who is she and what can she do? 87 31 31 comments Best Add a Comment HUNPakki • 6 mo. Press [Ctrl + F] or [F3] to search talents. A grayish-blue or sandstone ore used in crafting Flint and certain armors. NPCs are the various inhabitants of the Deepwoken world.